What We’re Reading in December

Stephanie Marinello

Photos by Gio M-S

Happy Holidays My Smart is Sexy Loves!

Oh man! What a busy month December always is but since we made our pledge, that fabulous pledge to keep our neurons firing in tip-top shape, information circulating and our creative minds brewing every month. To be honest, I barely finished this month, phhhewwwf! I’m gunna blame it on the fact that I did more gluttonous activities than reading…this isn’t probably something I should admit, ooops!

This month consider it a present to ourselves:

The Spark:

A Mother’s Story of Nurturing Genius and Autism

by Kristine Barnett

This book is refreshing. I gravitated to the title, not only because I’m trying to set the tone subconsciously for 2015 but because this is a smart perspective on the stereotypes of diagnosis and the education norms for our ‘special ed’ children, in particular autistic children. Is autism a disability? Perhaps it’s actually a gift if nurturing properly. People are so hung up with having “problems” as partial excuses for when performances fall short. The mother, Kristine Barnett, who is also the author recounts her experience in facing the “gaping, gray uncertainty of autism”. She pulled her son from special ed and retooled his therapy– centered it around his “sparks”; things that he was naturally more passionate about, which happened to be astrology and math. It worked! She then took the opportunity to open her day-care to other kids of this spectrum. GENIUS!

I like these books because it make you think twice before accepting the Status Quo.

A. Autism= special ed

B. Autism= genius in a different form

Circle the best answer.

Stephanie MarinelloStephanie Marinello

Read a Book.

Smart is Sexy.

Would you read this book? Do you know anyone who could personally benefit from reading this book?

Xoxoo Beijo!



One response to “What We’re Reading in December

  1. you are so adorable! i love the hair and outfit!!!

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