Tag Archives: happy

The Doctor is In

Headshot for Dr.Casey 2

Welcome Smart is Sexy peeps!

My name is Casey Eisenbach and I’m going to be your fellow doctor on call for the Smart is Sexy ladies and gents. I’m not just any doctor, but a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine. It is vital to educate and empower patients to be active participants in their own care, and to take responsibility for their own health and wellness. I encourage my patients to ask questions about their health, because questions make their healthcare a personal journey. The integration of preventative care and overall health is an extremely valuable component of longevity.
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The Broot

Sometimes our hair needs a little TLC, more than the ordinary shampoo, rinse, deep conditioner, satin pillowcase…I’m talking about some fruits and veggies!!!

Whaaaa????? No i’m not drunk, I wrote that right. Guys can do this too, but hair long enough to pass your ears really benefit from it the most, so gentleman- with those gorgeous manes this is for you too, I’ve seen you! I don’t know where you are hiding but listen up too!


Hello there Gorgeousness!

Tell me you have an instagram!?

One of the aspects of instagram that I enjoy and think they have developed really well, is the feeling that you get to travel with your favorite people. It is very visually driven and yes at times we have few people who think they are professional photographers with their phones because all those pretty filters can be misleading. But I love it! I love pictures and textures. Soft pastels and bold colors make me smile and the quotes make me laugh. My favorite is that I feel like I get to share the things I learn and enjoy as I travel and get smarter. Come with me! If you have an instagram, travel along with me Stephanie_Marinello and share as we learn things together.

Born in the USA

Happy 4th of July Sexies!

For all celebrating Independence day in the States, wheather you are traveling to see family, or hosting friends from out of town, today is one of those days to take the opportunity to create and remember some wonderful memories. A perfect way to highlight how we can learn to appreciate what we have by experiencing new things. It’s a good way to establish a basis of comparison. You can do this in many ways, my personal favorite- Traveling.
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Game Changers Part 1

So what’s it gunna be?

What?! You ask me.

 A Career. A Job. A Profession.

No way woMAN! How am I suppose to know what i’m going to do for the rest of my life!!
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