Game Changers Part 1

So what’s it gunna be?

What?! You ask me.

 A Career. A Job. A Profession.

No way woMAN! How am I suppose to know what i’m going to do for the rest of my life!!

You dont. And that’s okay.

But start to think if you have a passion–how can you create a need for it, and in return make money?

What makes you happy?

And Nooooo the answer can’t be eating candy!! Believe it or not that was my answer when in kindergarten some genius decided to ask my 5 year old self, “What is the meaning of life Stephanie?”

I promptly answered “To eat candy.” If I had known the word “duh” i’m sure it would have been part of my answer- “To eat Caaandy. Duuuuuh.”

Needless to say, things change the older we get. But the point here is not to know but to start thinking about it. Do you see yourself in an office? Do you see yourself in a job that requires formal wear? Is it outside?

From painting to working in a Fortune 500 business, it all starts with school.

Get in School.

Stay in School.

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“I will prepare and someday my chance will come”

Abraham Lincoln

Stephanie Marinello 6Stephanie Marinello 1Stephanie Marinello 2Stephanie Marinello 3Dreams to Reality.

 It is possible. Be Prepared and your chance will come.

Smart is Sexy.

Stay in School.

Xoxoo Beijo!


2 responses to “Game Changers Part 1

  1. I love the photos! Great post! Where was the location?

    As for my ventures in life, goal one accomplished: open first business. Next goal: make money!


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