Category Archives: Education

Emotional Hygiene with Dr.Guy Winch

“We all know how to maintain our physical health, and how to practice dental hygiene, right?” he goes on to say we’ve been doing it “since we’re five years old. But what do we know about maintaining our physiological health?”

What We’re Reading This Month


Final month of 2017 has now arrived, and tell me, what will you be reading!?

As the temperature drop, or heat up, depending where you are reading this from, regardless don’t tell me cuddling and snuggling with a book aren’t top on your list! Join #SmartisSexy and our league of rebels in reading this month’s book:

What We’re Reading this Month

Stephanie Marinello 4

Happy June my #SmartisSexy loves!

Just as you got used to seeing flowers bloom everywhere, our epic Californian superbloom had to make way for the welcoming of its more carefree, slightly less romantic seasonal counterpart– Summer. As the heat slowly seduces your best summertime pieces out of the closet, everyone knows your best accessory is that book you carry with you to the beach, the park, the café. Summer won’t happen without a good book in tow.

Leading the Way with Shonda Rhimes

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“What do you do when the thing you love, the work you love, starts tasting like dust?” She asks.

Well, shit. I’m not quite sure but let’s take a moment and… start somewhere.

What We’re Reading In March

Stephanie Marinello

Photos by Evan Anderson

And we are back at it again my Smart is Sexy lovers!!

Firing our neurons, developing our vocabulary, becoming more eloquent, fine tuning our critical thinking skills and exercising our creativity. Amongst the many many reasons why we took the Smart is Sexy Pledge to read 1 book a month. Ha! Some of you laugh, because you read a book a week others giggle because you don’t remember the last time you actually finished a book! This is why we unite—to remind, support and promote a conscious choice to make a Smart is Sexy investment in ourselves. Leave your comments, sassy remarks, nerdlicious advice and adventure stories about the books you have read, are reading or if you have read this one:
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