Tag Archives: vacation

From Kansas with Love

Stephanie Marinello

Photos by Evan Anderson

Wrapping up my trip in the Sunflower State, Kansas I wanted to highlight some places that stood out to me in the last few days I was there. A trip is never complete if you don’t get to Eat something or somewhere that just rocks your socks off, Relax because it’s your duty to mankind not to explode and Discover something new because you’re smart like that, and Smart is Sexy…zinnnnnng, yup I said it! So let’s discover together:
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Bali Treasures

Bali is the type of place that gets you thinking.

It’s strikingly different culture and language from mine contrasted with it’s near perfect weather and surf got me….well, thinking. Let me be honest…thinking wasn’t quite the mind set I had when I walked off the plane… initially first thing that happened was “Holly Sh**t that’s what cankles look like on me” when I happened to look at my feet after 24 hours of travel. Then I ate really good food, and that just made me happy and relaxed. After quickly realizing I could not pronounce any of the words any where and that internet connection was not reliable so not even Google translator could help me…I THEN realized how foreign of an environment I was in. Some unsteady acceptance followed suit….AND then I got to the thinking phase. Justifiable natural progression of events, no?