Tag Archives: smart is sexy

PROVOKE: Beauty and Brains

To My Smart is Sexy Guests,
You are cordially invited to
PROVOKE: Beauty and Brains
Chapter 2 of the speaker series
This Sunday February 23, 5-9pm
hosted at an exquisite private residence of Dr.Taheri cosmetics,
by actress Dominika Juillet.

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What Image Do You Project?

Stephanie Marinello 7

Photos by Evan Anderson

Good Morning Smart is Sexy loves,

It’s Tuesday and you’re ready to knock this week out of the park again.  Since the start of the Olympics in Sochi, Russia I can’t help but feel inspired by what each athlete represents – a level of excellence and recognition reached by talent, intelligence and exposure. The ultimate reflection that hard work with a goal, does pay off. So let’s learn from example and bring out our own power player athlete to the working world!

The Year to Conquer

Photos by Evan Anderson

Photos by Evan Anderson

CONQUER: verb \ˈkäŋ-kər\ to gain control of (a problem or difficulty) through great effort. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

I thought I would introduce one word that we could be reminded of to embody in our mind and presence. A simple word, defined and empowered by us, in our everyday choices and decisions. For the first one, to kick start 2014, I chose CONQUER. A word I don’t think we hear enough. So this year, let’s make it our year to conquer something, small or big, but conquer it in the Smart is Sexy way.
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Le Jolie Medi Spa

Photos by Evan Anderson

Photos by Evan Anderson

It’s the new year, you made resolutions……so tell me,

How’s it going so far?

Let’s not mess around, we all know resolutions stick like oil in water but that’s why Smart is Sexy comes in handy — It’s the one place that combines Smart information with Sexy results.
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Library Secrets

Photos by Evan Anderson

Photos by Evan Anderson

When was the last time you picked up a novel, walked the isles of a library or bookstore?

Pause the netflix queue, clear your amazon basket…do they even exist?
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