Tag Archives: Gluten-free

Summer Quinoa Salad

Quinoa Salad with Asparagus, Peas, Avocado & Lemon Basil Dressing


Peep that! I mean….check that out, does that not look good or what?! Cccccccmon, say it loud and proud, I LOVE QUINOA, YUM!!
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Should you go Gluten-free?

Should you be eating Gluten-Free?

1-minute Med School

Short answer: Only go gluten-free if you’ve been diagnosed with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. People with celiac disease are sensitive to gluten, a special type of protein found in wheat and other grains. They may experience diarrhea, bloating, anemia, weight loss, and eventually long term damage to the small intestine as a result of eating foods that contain gluten. A gluten-free diet eliminates symptoms and reverses damages to small intestine in most people with celiac disease, but for others, a gluten-free diet carries no benefit. In fact, needlessly restricting your diet may lead you to miss out on important nutrients your body needs, such as iron and B vitamins.
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