What We’re Reading in October

Stephanie Marinello

Happy October my Smart is Sexy peeps!

I’m excited this month to share you a book recommended to me by one of my mentors and so far it is a killer read, I highly recommend it! If you haven’t joined us on the pledge, read about it here and welcome to the team, we’re glad to have you!
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What We’re Reading in September

Stephanie Marinello

Photos by Marinello Design

Happy September my Smart and Sexy lovers,

In order to give this week an extra kick in the booootay I wanted to let you in on the little commitment I have made to myself and if you haven’t done so already, I think you should join me!
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Smart is Sexy for ALS

Thank you for nominating me on behalf of Smart is Sexy to help support and bring awareness to ALS. So naturally in true Cali style, especially being a company from Malibu, California – I took the challenge to where the sun, iconic palm trees and freeeeeeezing cold pacific water meet to show my support. As California continuously battles a drought we thought it would be smart to use the freezing ocean water for the challenge as to not waste any water while remaining authentic to the freezing temperature the challenge called for.
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Just Say Yes – Guest Post

Stephanie Marinello

Photos by Evan Anderson

Saying “Yes” is a positive thing, anytime you open yourself up to an opportunity you are creating a space to learn something new and better yourself. Saying “No” is almost easier, it’s definitely safer –you stick to what you already know and what’s so bad about that?
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How Do You Define Yourself?

Photography by Claire Pearce, MUA and Hair by Annie Van Dyke

Photography by Claire Pearce, MUA and Hair by Annie Van Dyke

Good Morning Smart is Sexy Loves!

This 3 min video is an awesome experience to visually demonstrate the power of the brain. We may never recognize that we are short changing ourselves with the way we think—until proven wrong. So how will you EVER prove yourself wrong?
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