Smoothie Time

I’ve officially joined the smoothie/juice train, but not because it’s great to get that extra intake of fruits and veggies that we know we need but because it gives me a boost and it makes my skin look great! Not gunna lie 😉
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Back to the Basics

Sometimes you have to remember why you got started in the first place– get to the core of why it all began.

Get back to the basics— and let your body/mind/spirit talk to you.
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When Love Just Isn’t Enough…Part II

After posting Part I many of you asked me why this theme, why a heartbreak.

Well…it’s not so much of a heartbreak but of a crossroads where we have or will reach in life when we must own up to our decisions. It’s something close and personal and just ours. It is a situation in which you must trust your instinct. Intuition doesn’t lie.
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When Love Just Isn’t Enough…Part I

Hello Loves,

This post is for those who have been there before, felt the feelings of love but know that it is not enough sometimes, and it’s time to walk away.

This is for those moments when you recognized how you truly feel yet you were unsure what you must do, do I try harder? Do I wait it out?….We feel conflicted and tortured when we love someone but for some reason, only God must know Love is not Enough. It is the point in life when at this crossroads you must have enough respect and love for yourself in order to be able to walk away.
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Whipped Heaven

Whipped Coconut Cream: take me to Heaven…twice.

Perfect for everyone including vegans and gluten-free lovers.

You are only two ingredients away from an easy, fun and delish whip without giving up taste on behalf of the health of your arteries… kind of stuff. And if you know me in the slightest….if I like it, I LIKE IT! Try this and you know what i mean…
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