Hello there Gorgeousness!
Tell me you have an instagram!?
One of the aspects of instagram that I enjoy and think they have developed really well, is the feeling that you get to travel with your favorite people. It is very visually driven and yes at times we have few people who think they are professional photographers with their phones because all those pretty filters can be misleading. But I love it! I love pictures and textures. Soft pastels and bold colors make me smile and the quotes make me laugh. My favorite is that I feel like I get to share the things I learn and enjoy as I travel and get smarter. Come with me! If you have an instagram, travel along with me Stephanie_Marinello and share as we learn things together.
See Indonesia, BALI through my Instagram if you didn’t get a chance to follow me when I was exploring, I bet you didn’t know that a particular coffee called Luwak Coffee comes from a cat the Indonesians call Luwaks that eat the red ripe coffee cherry and then poop just the bean, that we go and roast and grind like regular coffee, then drink it! I would say ewww but it so happens it’s good! Really good! Take a peak below.

An Aaaaaaa-aamazing restaurant of home cooked meals called Bambuku!
And yes, I have fabulous friends 🙂 Noo, the food did not make them do that!

My favorite experience was getting to be with elephants, touching them, hugging them and even getting a ride!
I hope to see you on Instagram.
Smart is Sexy.
Xoxoo Beijo!
Thanks Steph. Nice comp. It’s like I were there. Or at least I wish to be there. Love it.
Thanks for sharing. Loved the content of the pictures.