Courage Sometimes Travels Alone

“Try something totally new. Go Somewhere you’ve never been. Do something you’ve never done. It will shake up your vision of what the world is like and give you a fresh new perspective on things.”


Last Year I set my mind on making it to Machu Picchu, one of the Wonders of the World. I bought the ticket and made the plans with my then boyfriend. Life happens. Things change. We broke up and last minute he bailed out. Huge Fuck you to me.
What did I do?
I packed my bag and backpack and got a grip on my fears of heading to a new country, as a girl and alone.

Most of all I would hike the Salkantay trail to Machu Picchu for 4 days and camp for 3 nights, ALONE (with a guide of course)–mind you I have never hiked before in my life (I am very athletic though).
This was new and this was scary as shit.
But it was a dream and I was going to do it. Being a girl and alone would make a difference traveling but it would not make a difference if I was SMART.
So I made a pact with myself;

By being open to meeting new people, visiting a new city that I didnt know but am curious about, changing up my routine a bit or having a taste of something that I assumed wouldn’t be to my liking, I am gradually strenthening my ability to be courageous.

Damn straight. Take a look at the pic above. Thats me at the top of Machu Picchu in Peru.I hiked my sexy ass through the crazy altitude and overcame my negative thoughts with positive ones and kept a smart approach to traveling alone as a girl, and I kicked ass.
And Oooooo baby did it feel good 🙂

Don’t be scared to walk alone, and don’t be scared to like it. Keep doing what you know in your heart is right, for you.

5 responses to “Courage Sometimes Travels Alone

  1. So awesome! You inspired me!

  2. I’m still so proud of you for doing this! Traveling alone helps you realize and develop strengths you never knew you had. It’s a big step for a lot of women, to walk alone. But all you have to do is travel smart! #smartissexy

  3. One of my favorite pieces you have written. How INSPIRATIONAL! You are so incredibly strong and independent. The easier choice out would have been to say, “no I cant travel alone”, but you had the opposite thought! Keep inspiring all to get out of their comfort zones, because with this you can truly grow as an independent person. Thank you for sharing!


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