Category Archives: Health

Resolutions Are Meant to Be Broken

OOOH yaaaaa baby! New Year, better version of last year, start fresh, dream more, do more…and the thinking continues along those lines. You read it everywhere if you’re weren’t already thinking it, but let’s be realistic here. First, let’s give a shout out to that fine sexy self that woke up in 2013 that had you thinking all those wonderful resolutions…..but now let’s remember what we do best, which is– breaking rules.
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Should you go Gluten-free?

Should you be eating Gluten-Free?

1-minute Med School

Short answer: Only go gluten-free if you’ve been diagnosed with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. People with celiac disease are sensitive to gluten, a special type of protein found in wheat and other grains. They may experience diarrhea, bloating, anemia, weight loss, and eventually long term damage to the small intestine as a result of eating foods that contain gluten. A gluten-free diet eliminates symptoms and reverses damages to small intestine in most people with celiac disease, but for others, a gluten-free diet carries no benefit. In fact, needlessly restricting your diet may lead you to miss out on important nutrients your body needs, such as iron and B vitamins.
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