What We’re Reading in September

Stephanie Marinello

Photos by Marinello Design

Happy September my Smart and Sexy lovers,

In order to give this week an extra kick in the booootay I wanted to let you in on the little commitment I have made to myself and if you haven’t done so already, I think you should join me!

I’m committing to reading 1 book a month…minimum, ya don’t laugh you sexy bookwarms! I’m talking about books here,  not scripts, not manuscripts, not case-studies, not homework, not magazines, not news articles. Now with media at our finger tips 24/7, I get it, we are reading all the time….tweets, instagram, news blurbs but its just not the same.

Carving some time out, usually before bed or in the sun getting bronzed, the plane or vacation is where I get most of my reading done. But to be honest I think I plan on reading and end up falling asleep instead…guilty! Also, I like knowing what people are reading, getting inspired, learning new things, getting creative, sometimes I am motivated to read a book I would have never selected myself. Reading a book, is a strong tool in expanding our vocabulary without us even realizing, igniting ideas and keeping our writing chops in tip top shape. Maybe you will discover that writing is coming a lot easier to you, you’ll express yourself better and even be able to select the perfect words to describe just how epic your idea is and how you are always right 😉

If I share with you what I read maybe you will read along….I promise it’s good, it always is…..plus good grammar is SEXY!

This month I am reading: Delivering Happiness, A Path To Profits, Passion, and Purpose by Tony Hsieh (the man behind Zappos.com, Inc)

Stephanie MarinelloRead a Book.

Smart is Sexy.

Have you read this book?

What do you recommend for next month’s reading?

Xoxoo Beijo!



15 responses to “What We’re Reading in September

  1. That’s cool,have you read Outliers by Malcom Gladwell? I’m reading that now and I like it. Thanks for sharing, I’m reading yours next!

  2. Good motivation. What about if we submit a short paragraph about the core idea of the book we read? Just a thought :). Cheers.

  3. I like fashion books like Coco Chanel bby Lisa Chaney but I should probably read books like the one you suggested….looking gorgeous! Maybe I’ll look like that too 😉

  4. A truly good book teaches me better than to read it. I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint. What I began by reading, I must finish by acting.
    Henry David Thoreau

  5. Cannot forget the Great Gatsby! Love the outfit!

  6. I have an arsenal of good books to read. You give me the nod and I will blow your mind! haha

  7. Thank you for the encouragement! For whatever reason I have never been a reader. I will pick up a book, start it, but rarely finish. I believe this may be a good way in getting me to finish more books? I do like MM’s idea in sharing the best paragraph of the book! Thanks for the awesome encouragement Steph!

  8. love you stephie!
    I just (FINALLLLY) got off the waitlist for inferno (Dan Brown’s latest book) you know I love a good mystery so I am SO stoked to read this. I need to read your book next, I’ll ask to borrow 🙂

  9. Pingback: What I’m Reading in October | © Smart is Sexy

  10. Pingback: What I’m Reading in November | © Smart is Sexy

  11. Pingback: What I’m Reading in January | © Smart is Sexy

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