Muesli for breakfast, smart or not?

This week is hectic, this week is major, no but really, thiiis week we are making it happen muuuuuuch better than last week!

How are we suppose to do that without a kick ass breakfast? Breakfast is important, you heard it once, now you are hearing it twice, breakfast is a MUST. Breakfast gets your brain prepped for all those smart ideas and absorbing as much info as you can during the day as well as keeping the body silhouetted and metabolism on fire for that sexy shape.

Breakfast is smart but now what’s smart to eat for breakfast?

How many of you have heard that muesli is the healthiest option for breakfast? Is it true? When it first developed, muesli was typically a dry cereal made from toasted nuts, fruit, oats, wheat flakes but now  the problem lies not in the ingredients but in companies selling promises of greater health disguised in granola packaging.

Let’s break it down to what makes Muesli a nutritional breakfast option so we can watch out for the sneaky counterparts. If you already eat oatmeal for breakfast, you might want to take note and spruce up your oatmeal or just switch it up!

A healthy muesli has:

  • less sugar and calories than just about any breakfast cereal on supermarket shelves
  • It is high in fiber and whole grains, that can help in weight control as well as regulate the digestive track
  • Muesli is a great source of antioxidants
  • the nuts in muesli provide great protein and omega-3 fatty acids (especially walnuts)

A knock-off muesli has:

  • ingredients that are unroasted, careful though because the roasting process can denature the fatty acids
  • the serving size should be 1/3 – 1/2 cup max
  • should have under 20g of carbohydrates per serving
  • less than 3g of saturated fat per 100g
  • low glycemic index
  • limited in dry fruits because that adds sugar

It’s hard to shuffle through what the packaging says and what to believe, so the best solution to cut out the bullshit from your life is make it yourself! I have two recipes, but for starters try this one:

Smart is Sexy Muesli

(this makes a lot so you don’t need to remake every morning)

  • organic oat flakes,
  • organic wheat flakes,
  • fruit flakes (coconut is a tasty option),
  • wholemeal flour from wheat,
  • rye and barley,
  • dates,
  • raisins,
  • millet flakes,
  • wheat germs (not the dry type the one that must be kept in the fridge),
  • roasted hazelnuts, roasted almonds.
  • walnuts

Mix the ingredients together listed above into a big jar and keep in the refrigerator because of the wheat germ, real wheat germ will die if kept outside the fridge and lose most of its nutritional content.

Add the fresh ingredients below when you are going to eat .

– Take the amount you like of the mixture above and mix

  • 1 mashed banana.
  • Add fresh apple in bite sizes. Pour almond milk in the mixture above, and viola!

You can eat it for breakfast or as a snack. It’s a great power snack and when i’m in the mood for something sweet I just add clover honey into my mixture and it creates granola-like clusters, yum!MuesliBerries

  Eat Breakfast.

Power for the Brain and Fuel for the Body.

Smart is Sexy.

Xoxoo Beijo!


2 responses to “Muesli for breakfast, smart or not?

  1. This mixture is so good. It is addicting with no guilt. mm

  2. It has what you need in a very natural and healthy combination with the just perfect convenience. Love it!

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